Pastor Tony Carranza

My name is Tony Carranza, I graduated from the School of Evangelism in Queretaro in 2001, without a doubt it is a place where God made me grow spiritually but I also learned a lot to depend on Him.

In 2003 I began my career as a Law Degree, to which God gave me the opportunity to finish it and graduate from said degree.

I have been part of Planting 2 churches in Baja California, through which God made me learn many things and then send us to Mazatlan to plant CCM.

I am a graduate of the Church Planting School and the Calvario Rosarito Chapel Bible College where I had the opportunity to serve as Assistant Pastor alongside my pastor Mike Vincent.

I am a Pastor focused on Missions, Church Planting and Local Evangelism, I love fulfilling the task that the Lord Jesus left us in Matthew 28:19-20, for which my desire is that this be transmitted to all the people who are around us.

My wife's name is Ángela Carranza and our son's name is Kaleb Itai Carranza, we are very much in love with Jesus and committed to his call to love and build up the body of Christ.

We believe and know of total dependence on God, for this reason, we are in love with the project in which we are called for his honor and glory.
We are not here to get any benefit of our own but to fulfill what God has placed in our hearts, our greatest desire is to see young people delivered to Jesus, restored couples, men on fire for preaching the word of God and women who give their lives and dedication to serve Jesus with everything they have.

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